Correlative Characterization
Correlative characterization is essential for scale bridging analysis and to probe different properties and features.
We are developing approaches for 3D correlative characterization enabling a transfer between different instruments from optical microscopy to X-ray CT, FIB, TEM and APT to address different length scales and to combine surface analysis such as AFM, XPS and ToF-SIMS with electron microscopy techniques.
In addition, we are using and developing solutions for in-instrument correlation of different techniques.
3D/4D STEM correlating PDF analysis, DPC magnetic domain imaging and strain mapping in addition to the well established imaging with EELS and EDX spectroscopy.
Nanovision AFM-in-SEM combining AFM topology analysis with SEM/FIB, nanoindentation and electrical measurements.

4D-STEM based local correlated analysis of pair distribution function (PDF), differential phase contrast (DPC) and strain.

Nenovision LiteScope: AFM (topography, tapping mode), nanoindentation, C-AFM, KPFM, STM, MFM, PFM