Zeiss Auriga 60
Operation Voltage:
High Tension SEM: 200 V - 30 kV
High Tension FIB: 0.2 kV - 30 kV
FEG (Schottky)
Gallium Liquid Metal Ion Source
Imageing Detectors:
In-lens SE, SESI, EsB, 4QBSD
STEM detector
EDAX EDX detector
EDAX EBSD detector
Gas Injection System (GIS)
C, Pt, and Si
XeF2 for selective etch enhancing
Gas injection for charge compensation
Omniprobe 400 with independent x,y, z motion and rotation
Transfer System
High-vacuum transfer system compatible with glove box and UHV deposition system
30 kV | 15 kV | 1 kV | |
Electron Beam [nm] | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.9 |
Gallium Ion Beam [nm] | 2.5 |
Imaging, Analysis and Sample Preparation Techniques
SE & BSE SEM analysis
STEM imaging
EDX analysis
EBSD analysis
3D Slice & View tomography
TEM sample preparation
Nanoscale deposition and contacting