Prof. Dr.  Christian Kübel

Prof. Dr. Christian Kübel

  • Professor for In Situ Electron Microscopy, Technical University Darmstadt

    Deputy Head of the Karlsruhe NanoMicro Facility

    Principle Investigator at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm

Curriculum Vitae

since 2023 Visiting Professor at Imperial College London
since 2019 Professor for In Situ Electron Microscopy
Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
 since 2013 Deputy Head of the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
 since 2011 Principle Investigator at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm
 since 2009 Group Leader of the Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy group
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
 2005-2008 Group Leader of the Nanostructure and Surface Analysis group
Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Germany
 2000-2004 Researcher / Senior Application Specialist TEM
Philips Research (Nat.Lab.) / FEI Company, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
 1999-2000 Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. David Martin
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
 Nov. 1999 Dr. rer. nat. in Chemistry working for Prof. Klaus Müllen, MPI Polymer Resarch
Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz
 Nov. 1995 Diploma Chemistry, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz


Important committee activities

  • 2021-         : Member of the Steering Committee of the Helmholtz Joined Lab ‘MDMC'
  • 2020-         : Board Member of the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie’
  • 2019-         : Member of the Steering Board of the Helmholtz Imaging Platform
  • 2019-         : Member of the Steering Board of the KIT Center Materials-Structure-Function
  • 2017-         : Spokesperson of the AK ‘Electron Tomography’ of the German Materials Research Society (DGM)
  • 2019-2021 : Spokesperson of the Area ‘Inverse Problems, Optimization’ of the KIT Center MathSEE
  • 2017-2021 : Member of the DIN Norming Committee Materials Testing
  • 2013-2020 : Member of the Steering Committee of the Helmholtz Programm ‘Science & Technology of Nanosystems'
  • 2013-2018 : Board Member of the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie’


Research interests

  • Solving materials and physis questions by high-end structural, electronic and morphological characterization using electron microscopy techniques in interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Development of new electron microscopy based characterization and structuring approaches for specific applications
  • Methodology: In-situ Electron Microscopy, 4D-STEM, Electron Tomography, Correlative Characterization
  • Application Areas: Energy Storage (Batteries), Catalysis, Quantum Materials, Glasses, Nanocomposites, Carbo Nano Materials, Magnetic Materials


Selected publications highlighting the different research areas

ORCID: 0000-0001-5701-400
Web of Science Researcher ID: A-1720-2009
Google Scholar

  • The Impact of Microstructure on the Filament Growth at the Sodium Metal Anode in All Solid-State Sodium Batteries
    Z. Ding, Y. Tang, T. Ortmann, J.K. Eckhardt, Y. Dai, M. Rohnke, G. Melinte, C. Heiliger, J. Janek, C. Kübel
    Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(48), 2302322; DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202302322.
  • Synergy of cations in high entropy oxide lithium ion battery anode
    K. Wang, W. Hua, X. Huang, D. Stenzel, J. Wang, Z. Ding, Y. Cui, Q. Wang, H. Ehrenberg, B. Breitung, C. Kübel, X. Mu
    Nature Communication, 2023, 14, 1487; DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37034-6.
  • Direct observation of quadrupolar strain fields surrounding Eshelby inclusions in metallic glasses
    S.J. Kang, D. Wang, A. Caron, C. Minnert, K. Durst, C. Kübel, X. Mu
    Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2212086; DOI: 10.1002/adma.202212086.
  • Unveiling the local atomic arrangements in the shear band regions of metallic glass
    X. Mu, M. Chellali, E. Boltynjuk, D. Gunderov, R. Valiev, H. Hahn, C. Kübel, J. Ivanisenko, L. Velasco
    Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2007267; DOI: 10.1002/adma.202007267.
  • Fast kinetics of multivalent intercalation chemistry enabled by solvated Mg2+ ions into self-established metallic layered materials
    Z. Li, X. Mu, Z. Zhao-Karger, T. Diemant, R. Behm, C. Kübel, M. Fichtner
    Nature Communication, 2018, 9, 5115; DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07484-4.
  • High Entropy Oxides for Reversible Energy Storage
    A. Sarkar, L. Velasco, D. Wang, G. Talasila, L. de Biasi, C. Kübel, T. Brezesinski, S.S. Bhattacharya, H. Hahn, B. Breitung
    Nature Communication, 2018, 9, 3400, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05774-5.
  • Understanding Graphitization and Growth of free-standing Nanocrystalline Graphene using In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
    C.N. Shyam Kumar, V.S.K. Chakravadhanula, A. Riaz, S. Dehm, D. Wang, X. Mu, B. Flavel, R. Krupke, C. Kübel
    Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 12835- 2842; DOI: 10.1039/C7NR03276E.
  • Radial distribution function imaging by STEM diffraction: Phase mapping and analysis of heterogeneous nanostructured glasses
    X. Mu, D. Wang, F. Tao, C. Kübel
    Ultramicroscopy, 2016, 168, 1-6; DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.05.009.
  • An artificial honeycomb structured crystal formed by self-assembly of an asymmetric co-cluster
    C. Ma, H. Wu, Z.-H. Huang, R.-H. Guo, M.-B. Hu, C. Kübel, L.-T. Yan, W. Wang
    Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. Engl., 2015, 54, 15699 –15704; DOI: 10.1002/anie.201507237 .
  • In situ observation of deformation processes in nanocrystalline face-centered cubic metals
    A. Kobler, C. Brandel, H. Hahn, C. Kübel
    Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016, 7, 572–580; DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.7.50
  • Combination of in-situ straining and ACOM TEM: a novel method for analysis of plastic deformation of nanocrystalline metals
    A. Kobler, A. Kashiwar, H. Hahn, C. Kübel
    Ultramicroscopy, 2013, 128, 68-81; DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.12.019.
  • CuF2 as Reversible Cathode for Fluoride Ion Batteries
    D.T. Thieu, M.H. Fawey, H. Bhatia, V. S. K. Chakravadhanula, C. Kübel, M. Fichtner
    Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27(31), 1701051; DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201701051.
  • Comprehensive analysis of TEM methods for LiFePO4/FePO4 phase mapping: spectroscopic techniques (EFTEM, STEM-EELS) and STEM diffraction techniques (ACOM-TEM)
    X. Mu, A. Kobler, D. Wang, V.S.K. Chakravadhanula, S. Schlabach, D.V. Szabó, P. Norby, C. Kübel
    Ultramicroscopy, 2016, 170, 10-18; DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.07.009.
  • Towards automated diffraction tomography. Part I - Data acquisition
    U. Kolb, T. Gorelik, C. Kübel, M.T. Otten, D. Hubert
    , 2007, 107, 507-513; DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2006.10.007.
  • Recent Advances in Electron Tomography: TEM and HAADF-STEM Tomography for Materials Science and Semiconductor Applications
    C. Kübel, A. Voigt, R. Schoenmakers, M. Otten, D. Su, T.-C. Lee, A. Carlsson, J. Bradley
    Microscopy & Microanalysis
    , 2005, 11(5), 378-400; DOI: 10.1017/S1431927605050361.
  • Influence of Structural Variations on High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) Images of Poly[1,6-di(N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD) Nanocrystals
    C. Kübel, D. C. Martin
    Phil. Mag. A
    , 2001, 81, 1651-1673; DOI: 10.1080/01418610010009388.


 Jan. 1999 - Jul. 2000  Feodor Lynen (AvH) fellowship
 Jun. 1996 - May 1998  Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI) scholarship
 Aug. 1993 - Mar. 1994  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship