Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure
The INT is led by a board of directors and currently 17 research unit chairs, who are professors at the KIT or professors at other universities, including the Université de Strasbourg, the Universität Basel, the Technische Universität Darmstadt, the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, and the Universität Ulm. The participation of INT employees in decisions of structural relevance to the institute is guaranteed via the Institutslenkungsausschuss (ILA).
The INT provides a platform for the research activities organized in research units, research groups, and research projects. For an overview of our structure, please see our organigramm (PDF).
Research Units, Groups, and Projects
Research projects at the INT are conducted within the framework of research units. These projects are led either by research group leaders, who generally have third-party funding, or by project leaders, who generally work within the funding framework of the Helmholtz Association.
Organization within KIT and Helmholtz Association
The Institute of Nanotechnology is part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Division V, "Physics and Mathematics" of the KIT. The INT participates in the programmes Natural, Artificial, and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP), Materials Systems Engineering (MSE), and Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition (MTET) of the Helmholtz Association. The INT also participates in the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi).