Sketch and structure of an aromatic bismuth ring in a cobalt-based inverse sandwichKIT, Uni Marburg
Aromatic Bismuth-5 ring in a cobalt-based inverse sandwich complex

Researchers from KIT and the Philipps-Universität Marburg have isolated an all-metal aromatic bismuth ring sandwiched in a cobalt-based complex, defining a new era of aromatic compounds with potential applications in catalysis and electronic devices (Nature Chemistry, 2025).

KIT Press Release
Sketch of the  global minimum and two low-lying isomers of Bi_18^- clustersAuthors, KIT
Remarkable stability of Bismuth-18 clusters to oxidation

Researchers from the US, China and the KIT have studied negatively charged bismuth clusters and found a remarkable stability of Bi-18 clusters to oxidation despite the existence of an unpaired electron. It suggests a structural route to larger clusters with interesting electronic properties.

Science Advances, Vol. 10, No. 44 (2024)
Schematic design principle of redox-mediated ASSLSBKIT, JLU, Peking University
All-solid-state Lithium–Sulfur batteries with ultrafast charging

Researchers from KIT, JLU Gießen and Peking University demonstrated an all-solid-state
lithium–sulfur battery (ASSLSB) with a redox mediator that displays ultrafast charging capability, high specific capacity and an ultrastable cycling performance. This might pave the way to batteries with high specific energy, high safety and low cost.

Nature 637, 846-853 (2025)
One out of a million: AI helps to identify new materials for highly efficient solar cellsKurt Fuchs/HI ERN
Inverse Design of perovskite solar cells using AI

A closed-loop workflow that combines high-throughput synthesis of organic semiconductors to create large datasets and Bayesian optimization to discover new hole-transporting materials with tailored properties for solar cell applications was used to identify and synthesize a series of high-performance molecules.

Science 386, 1256-1264 (2024)
Photonic Space-Time Crystals allow better use of the  interaction of light and matter Xuchen Wang and Harbin Engineering University
Towards Space-Time Crystals in Photonic Materials

Researchers from INT in the group of Prof. Carsten Rockstuhl and Harbin Engineering University showed that the momentum band gap of photonic time crystals can be drastically expanded by temporal variations in a resonant material. The resonance can emerge from a suitably spatially structured material like an optical metasurface, thus paving the way towards the first experimental realizations of photonic time crystals.

Nature Photonics
Micrograph of a metamaterial supporting anomalous frozen evanescent phononsJonathan Schneider, KIT
Metamaterial displays anomalous frozen evanescent phonons

By introducing connections beyond nearest-neighbor elements researchers in the group of Prof. Martin Wegener managed to design a metamaterial using 3D laser microprinting that displays anomalous frozen evanescent phonons to achieve nonlocal stress and stretching response which could be used for remote mechanical sensing.

Nature Communications 15, 8882 (2024)
Picture of grain rotation in nanocrystalline Platinum KIT
Multiscale observations of grain rotation mechanisms in nanocrystalline materials

Researchers from INT together with colleagues from the China, Colombia and the US have combined in-situ scanning transmission electron microscopy and atomistic simulations to elucidate the mechanisms of grain rotation in nanocrystalline Platinum.

Science 386, 49–54 (2024)
Atomic composition illustrating the cocktail effect and the lattice distortions in high-entropy materialsKIT
Review on High-Entropy Materials applications

This review by a collaboration of INT scientists on the recent research on high-entropy materials highlights their emerging potential in energy and electronic applications, based mainly on the intrinsic features of the "cocktail effect" and the lattice distortions of these materials. The emphasis lies on ionic and covalent ceramic materials.

Nature Reviews Materials
Structural sketch of a nanoring formed of organometallic sandwich complexesNature / AOC, KIT
Cyclocenes - rings of organometallic sandwich structures

In organometallic chemistry, so-called sandwich complexes always displayed linear chain structures. Now researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Philipps-Universität Marburg have formed multi-level sandwich complexes into nanoscale rings and named them  "cyclocenes". The work has been published in Nature.

KIT Press Release
Various 3D glass nanostructuresDr. Jens Bauer, KIT
3D printing of glass nanostructures

Using a hybrid organic-inorganic polymer resin as starting material the group of Dr. Jens Bauer succeeded in 3D printing of silicon dioxide nanostructures without the need of a high-temperature sintering process, as reported in Science (DOI: 10.1126/science.abq3037 )

KIT Press Release
Artists sketch of a photon-spin interface with the europium molecule crystalChristian Grupe, KIT
Quantum Information: Light from Rare-earth Molecules

Researchers of KIT with collaborators from France have produced an effective molecular photon-nuclear spin interface. This is major progress in the development of materials for processing quantum information with light.

KIT Press Release
Artists view of the silicon nanoparticles scattering light of the desired wavelengthDennis Arslan, Universität Jena
Optical Diffuser based on Silicon Metamaterials

Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Friedrich Schiller University of Jena have developed a diffuser, a disk that scatters light, based on silicon nanoparticles. It can be used to control the direction, color, and polarization of light.

KIT Press release
Electron microscopic reconstruction of a 3D nanostructure printed with the 2-step absorption process (left) and light microscopy (right). Professor Rasmus Schröder, University of Heidelberg, Vincent Hahn, KIT
3D Laser Nanoprinters Become Compact

3D laser printers for 3-dimensional microstructures and nanostructures so far require big and expensive laser systems. Researchers of KIT and the Heidelberg University developed a process with inexpensive and small laser diodes, allowing for much smaller printers.

KIT Press Release
Sketch of an Europium complex acting as a QubitC. Grupe, KIT
Quantum Information Processing: Towards Molecule-based Coherent Light-Spin Interfaces

We demonstrate efficient polarization of ground state nuclear spins of a binuclear Europium complex via light.  This shows the feasibilty of light addressable nuclear spin qubits in such rare-earth complexes.

Press release
Differential conductance of a Single Molecule Magnet at various magnetic fieldKIT
Indirect Spin-Readout of a Single Molecule Magnet

We use scanning tunneling spectroscopy with a spin-polarized tip to indirectly read out the spin of a rare-earth atom of a single molecule magnet exploiting the exchange splitting of the Kondo resonance.

Physical Review Letters
Sketch of vesicles captured on functionalized microarrays KIT
Rapid Capture of Cancer Extracellular Vesicles by Lipid Patch Microarrays

A novel strategy based on dip-pen nanolithography generated microarrays of supported lipid membranes allows for highly selective and efficient capture of extracellular vesicles.

Advanced Materials
Artists view of a MOF-enhanced graphene transistor sensing molecules Sandeep Kumar, KIT
Selective molecule sensing with SURMOF-enhanced graphene transistors

By growing a metal-organic framework directly onto the graphene of a field-effect transistor device selective sensing of molecules has been demonstrated by a collaboration of groups from IFG and INT.

KIT press release
Artists view of a high-entropy metal-organic frameworkKIT
High-Entropy Metal-Organic Frameworks for energy storage

We present High-Entropy Metal-Organic Frameworks that show much improved stability and near perfect Coulombic efficiency as a storage material based on sodium.

Advanced Materials
Picture of structures in materials of Earth's lithosphereRoman Kulagin, KIT
Materials Design inspired by Earth's Lithosphere

The structural patterns of Earth's lithosphere is particularly rich and can inspire innovative designs of structural and architectured materials.

Lithomimetic materials design
Portrait pictures of Jürgen Janek and Martin WegenerKIT/Janek/Wegener
Highly Cited Researchers 2020

INT research unit heads Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janek and Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener are among the eight KIT scientists on the 2020 list of Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate / Web of Science.

Press information (in German)
Picture of a hybrid physical clonable functionKIT/Aghassi
Printed Physical Unclonable Function

A hybrid physical unclonable function based on metal oxide thin film devices, exploiting the inherent randomness of printed materials, was demonstrated by researchers of KIT.

Nature Communications article
Group of KIT resarchers with their prototype of the "Aerobuster"KIT/Martin Breig
"Aerobuster" kills the Corona virus

Researchers of KIT developed a simple device to effectively kill the Corona virus in aerosols of ambient air in closed rooms.

Press information (in German)
Sketch of pn-diode stackCadilha Marques (INT)
pn-Diodes based on Inkjet Printed Oxide Semiconductors

Oxide semiconductors have the potential to increase the performance of inkjet printed microelectronic devices such as field-effect transistors (FETs), due to their high electron mobilities.

IEEE Electron Device Letters Vol. 41/1, 187 (2020)
multiple anions+cations
Novel high-entropy materials for energy storage

Entropy-stabilized multianionic and multicationic oxyhalides have been used as cathodes for Li-ion batteries.

Energy Environ. Sci. 12, 2433 (2019)
fqh edge
Topological classification of shot noise on fractional quantum Hall edges

It has been proposed that shot noise in a quantum Hall edge exhibits different types of behavior with varying sample size, depending on the chirality of edge modes.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 137701 (2019)
Quantum superposition of superheavy molecules

Matter-wave interference of molecules consisting of up to 2000 atoms has been demonstrated by means of Talbot-Lau interferometry.

Nat. Phys. 15, 1242 (2019)
energy storage 2
New organic electrode materials for ultrafast electrochemical energy storage

New class of stable organic electrodes based on metal porphyrines has been reported.

Adv. Mater. 31, 1806599 (2019)
Indicator-displacement assay based on cucurbituril in blood serum

In situ detection and quantification of Alzheimer's drug memantine in blood serum have been reported.

Chem. Sci. 10, 6584 (2019)
Six-state molecular revolver on a rigid platform

Reversible transitions between six rotational states of tetraphenylmethane molecules have been induced with an STM tip.

Nanoscale 11, 9015 (2019)
Toward design of novel materials for organic electronics

Predictive simulation methods to complement experimental research in the identification of novel materials for organic electronics have been discussed.

Adv. Mater. 31, 1808256 (2019)
Granular aluminium as a material for high-impedance quantum circuits

Fluxonium qubit design based on a granular aluminium superinductor strip, with state-of-the-art coherence times, has attracted international interest.

Nat. Mater. 18, 816 (2019)
Engineered quantum Hall edge at filling factor 2/3 as a line junction

Controlled equilibration in a line junction of two counterpropagating edge modes with different filling factors has been analyzed.

Nat. Commun. 10, 1920 (2019)
Shape of 3D-printed microstructures controlled by temperature and light

It has been demonstrated that 3D-printed objects can be made switchable by varying temperature globally or by locally illuminating with focused light.

Nat. Commun. 10, 232 (2019)
Subband splitting and quantized conductance in a bilayer graphene QPC

Valley splitting in a bilayer graphene quantum point contact in the presence of a magnetic field has been studied.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257703 (2018)
klein graphene
Tuning anti-Klein to Klein tunneling in bilayer graphene

Continuously tunable Berry phase, controlling quasiparticle tunneling in a Fabry-Pérot interferometer based on bilayer graphene, has been observed.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 127706 (2018)
high entropy
High-entropy oxides for reversible energy storage

Stabilization effect of entropy has been shown to greatly improve the lithium storage capacity retention and the cycling stability of high-entropy oxides.

Nat. Commun. 9, 3400 (2018)
Quasi-solid-state single-atom transistor

Operation of an atomic-scale transistor with high thermal and mechanical stabilities within an aqueous electrolyte has been shown.

Adv. Mater. 30, 1801225 (2018)
Selectively erasable ink for 3D printing

Chemoselectively cleavable photoresists for 3D laser lithography have been demonstrated, allowing for a targeted degradation of printed microstructures.

Nat. Commun. 9, 2788 (2018)
Combinatorial synthesis of macromolecular arrays

Microchannel cantilever spotting has been used for in-situ synthesis of surface-bound macromolecular microarrays.

Adv. Mater. 30, 1801632 (2018)
Stabilizing spin spirals and isolated skyrmions

Formation of skyrmions has been demonstrated by means of spin-sensitive STM at low magnetic fields in the absence of strong spin-orbit coupling.

Nat. Commun. 9, 1015 (2018)
Voltage-driven conformational switching in a single-molecular junction

Conformation of a room-temperature two-state molecular switch has been probed with Raman spectroscopy.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 4835 (2018)
DC Josephson effect in a graphene-based QPC

The effect of a quantum point contact confinement and an external magnetic field on the supercurrent has been demonstrated in a bilayer graphene heterostructure.

Nat. Commun. 9, 1722 (2018)
Templated formation of luminescent virus-like particles

Water-soluble Pt(II) amphiphiles decorated with tetraethylene glycol branches and sulfate groups have been synthesized and probed for their self-assembly properties.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 2355 (2018)
Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems - a review

Concepts of fractional, Dirac, Majorana, and topologically protected chiral quasiparticles, along with a new concept of critical quasiparticles, have been reviewed.

Rep. Prog. Phys. 81, 032501 (2018)
Defect-tolerant molecular ( Archimedean tiling

A surface-confined multistep reaction allows for the observation of the emergence of complexity through the formation of a defect-tolerant molecular network.

Nat. Chem. 10, 296 (2018)
Operating quantum states in single magnetic molecules

Grover's quantum algorithm has been implemented using a single nuclear 3/2 spin of a Tb ion in a single molecular magnet transistor.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 187702 (2017)
3D mechanical metamaterials with a twist

Elastic chiral mechanical metamaterials showing twists per axial strain as large as 2% have been realized. 

Science 358, 1072 (2017)
Mixing instabilities during shearing of metals

Strategy to reveal physical mechanisms of the morphological evolution upon shearing up to ultrahigh strains has been introduced.

Nat. Commun. 8, 1611 (2017)
On/Off switching of ferromagnetism in manganite supercapacitors

Fully reversible, rapid, voltage-driven switching of ferromagnetism in an ultrathin LaSrMnO film has been demonstrated.

Adv. Mater., Nov 2017
Structure and dynamics of riboswitches in bacteria

Conformational energy landscape of a full-length SAM-I riboswitch has been explored by means of Förster resonant energy transfer.

Nat. Chem. Biol. 13, 1172 (2017)
In-situ manipulation of magnetization in mesoporous LSMO thin films

Large-scale tuning of the magnetic susceptibility and Curie temperature through capacitive charging has been demonstrated.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 22799 (2017)
Landau-Zener transition in a single-molecule spin transistor

Landau-Zener dynamics of a single-ion magnet has been continuously monitored and theoretically modeled in a spin-transistor geometry.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 257701 (2017)
Sub-50 nm channel vertical field-effect transistors

A printed vertical FET which decouples the channel length from printing resolution has been demonstrated.

Adv. Mater. 29, 1603858 (2017)
Background intensity suppression in fluorescence nanoscopy

Stimulated emission double depletion has been demonstrated as a method to selectively remove artificial background intensity.

Nat. Photon. 11, 163 (2017)
spin valve
Giant magnetoresistance in carbon nanotubes with single-molecule magnets

Gate-controlled supramolecular spin-valve effect has been demonstrated and explained in terms of Fano resonances in Coulomb blockade.

ACS Nano 11, 6868 (2017)
Hybrid supercapacitors for reversible control of magnetism

Fully reversible and robust magnetoelectric coupling has been realized in LaSrMnO/ionic liquid hybrid supercapacitors by exploiting surface electrostatic and electrochemical doping.

Nat. Commun. 8, 15339 (2017)
Electrically actuated molecular toggle switch

An electrical switch based on a tripodal platform with a cantilever arm and a nitrile group at its end has been demonstrated.

Nat. Commun. 8, 14672 (2017)
Nanotextiles: A weave of polymers

Molecular weaving has been realized via surface-templated epitaxy of crystalline coordination networks.

Nat. Commun. 8, 14422 (2017)
Anomalous Hooke's law in disordered graphene

It has been demonstrated that the stretching of a graphene flake is a nonlinear function of tension, with the scaling of the stiffness obeying a fractal power law governed by static ripples.

2D Materials 4, 011003 (2017)
Sign reversal of the Hall coefficient in 3D metamaterials

Electrical properties of a p-type semiconductor have been experimentally mimicked by a chainmail-like metamaterial made of an n-type semiconductor.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 016601 (2017)
Evolving quality of frictional contact with graphene

It has been demonstrated, by atomistic simulations, that monolayer graphene exhibits higher friction, which increases with sliding, than multilayer graphene.

Nature 539, 541 (2016)
integrated generation and detection
First quantum photonic circuit with an electrically driven light source

Optical waveguide-integrated generation and detection of nonclassical light have been demonstrated with electrically driven carbon nanotubes.

Nat. Photon. 10, 727 (2016)
3d laser writing
Conductive 3D microstructures via direct laser writing

Laser-written 3D gold-containing microstructures have been fabricated by simultaneous photopolymerization and photoreduction.

Adv. Mater. 28, 3592 (2016)
atomic switch
Atomic scale plasmonic switch

An electrically controlled switch which operates by means of relocation of an individual atom in a plasmonic cavity has been demonstrated.

Nano Lett. 16, 709 (2016)
SF thermoelectric
Thermoelectric currents in SF tunnel junctions in high magnetic fields

Spin-dependent thermoelectric currents have been observed in superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel junctions in high magnetic fields, probing the coupling of spin and heat transport in superconductors.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 097001 (2016)
lipid membrane
Self-limiting assembly of lipid membranes on graphene sensor arrays

Phospholipid membranes of different functionalities have been simultaneously assembled on arrays of graphene surfaces using multi-pen lipid dip-pen nanolithography.

Nanoscale 8, 15147 (2016)
Mechanisms of nanoglass ultrastability

A mechanism has been proposed for the existence of stable amorphous grains and interfacial regions the atomic structure and  internal energy of which differ from those of the melt-quenched glass.

ACS Nano 10, 3241 (2016)
quantum einstein-de haas
Quantum Einstein-de Haas effect

The Einstein–de Haas effect at the quantum level has been demonstrated using a single-molecule magnet attached to a carbon nanotube mechanical nanoresonator.

Nat. Commun. 7, 11443 (2016)
nitrogen-rich carbon
Novel nanocomposites for Li-ion batteries

Nitrogen-rich carbon made by hard templating and atomic-layer deposition has been demonstrated to be a versatile host material for long-life high-performance lithium-based batteries.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 10274 (2016)
Towards on-chip communication with carbon nanotubes

Electrically driven nanotubes can be forced to emit light with a specific color by integration into a photonic crystal waveguide.

Nat. Photon. 10, 420 (2016)
short-channel CN transistor
Carbon nanotubes for high-density short-channel transistors

Best performing short-channel transistors have been built by using highly enriched semiconducting single-wall CNs prepared by combining polymer-wrapping with size-exclusion chromatography.

ACS Nano 10, 1888 (2016)
printed oxide electronics
Towards room-temperature processing of printed high-performance oxide electronics

Solution-processed high-performance MOSFETs and CMOS inverters have been obtained entirely at room temperature without an additional curing step.

ACS Nano 9, 3075 (2015)
Large-area polymer-free CNT solar cells

Carbon nanotube / fullerene solar cells have been obtained with record high active area.

Adv. Energy Mater. 2015, 1501345
Gas evolution in operating lithium-ion batteries

Gassing in battery pouch cells has been directly observed using neutron imaging, with special emphasis put on the high-voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/graphite system.

Sci. Rep. 5, 15627 (2015)
Chemie steuert Magnetismus
Intercalation-Driven Reversible Control of Magnetism in Bulk Ferromagnets

An extension in magnetoelectric effects is proposed to include reversible chemistry-controlled magnetization variations.

KIT Press Release in German
Scheme of L-DPN
Modelling of L-DPN:

"A diffusive ink transport model for lipid dip-pen nanolithography" by Urtizberea and Hirtz in Nanoscale 7 (2015) 15618-15634

Self-Assembly of a Giant Tetrahedral 3 d–4 f Single-Molecule Magnet within a Polyoxometalate System
Self-Assembly of a Giant Single-Molecule Magnet

We synthesized a giant tetrahedral heterometallic polyoxometalate (POM)-based single molecule magnet which contains the largest number of 4f ions and is the first to incorporate two different 3d–4f and 4f coordination cluster assemblies within same POM framework.

Angewandte Chemie, 22 Sep 2015
Integrated all-photonic non-volatile multi-level memory
Integrated all-photonic non-volatile memory

Robust, non-volatile, all-photonic integrated memory chips based on phase-change materials are demonstrated at switching speeds approaching 1GHz.

KIT Press Release
Partial Figure 2: Bennett resonance of a Na cylindrical nanowire of radius R=2 nm
Self-consistent hydrodynamic description of metals in nanoplasmonics

To properly describe the properties of metals used in nanoplasmonic devices in truly nanometric systems, we develop and apply for the first time a self-consistent hydrodynamic description.

Nature Communications 6, May 2015
Diamond Nanophotonic Circuits
Diamond Nanophotonic Circuits Functionalized by Dip-pen Nanolithography

Microrings are prepared lithographically from diamond thin films, then coupled to photonic bus waveguides for on-chip readout.

Advanced Optical Materials 3, March 2015
Electronically Sorted DWCNTs

Building on our previous work we show that chromatography techniques can be used to prepare DWCNTs with either metallic or semiconducting outer walls.

ACS Nano, March 2015, DOI: 10.1021/nn506869h
Thermally tunable self-assembled metamaterial
Thermally tunable self-assembled metamaterial

We show that the spatial arrangement of metallic nanoparticles embedded in a thermally responsive organic material can be substantially modified as a function of the temperature. This in turn strongly influences the optical properties of the entire metamaterial. 

Nature Communications 6, March 2015
Interfacial dominated ferromagnetism
Interfacial dominated ferromagnetism in nanograined ZnO: a μSR and DFT study

Using low energy muon spin relaxation in combination with SQUID and TEM techniques, we demonstrate that the magnetic volume fraction is strongly related to the sample volume fraction occupied by
grain boundaries.

Scientific Reports 5, March 2015
Size-Dependent Oxidation of Monodisperse Silicon Nanocrystals with Allylphenylsulfide Surfaces
Size-Dependent Oxidation of Monodisperse Silicon Nanocrystals with Allylphenylsulfide Surfaces

We are able to boost the photoluminescence quantum yield of colloidal dispersions of silicon nanocrystals capped with allylphenylsulfide.

Small, 2015, 11(3)
Structural evolution of ruthenium clusters

A combination of trapped ion electron diffraction measurements and DFT computations reveal the structural evolution of small ruthenium clusters in the size range of n=4-20.

J. Chem.Phys. 142, 024319, 2015
Scheme of Lithography Process
Beam Pen Lithography:

"Apertureless Cantilever-Free Pen Arrays for Scanning Photochemical Printing" by Zhou et al. in Small 11 (2015) 913-918

Characterisation and application of ultra-high spin clusters as magnetic resonance relaxation agents
Characterisation and application of ultra-high spin clusters as magnetic resonance relaxation agents

We report on the use of highly paramagnetic isostructural FeIII/4f coordination clusters with a [Fe10Ln10] core to enhance relaxation. The Fe10Gd10 cluster adheres to the surface of the biofilm better than the commercial agent Gadovist.

Dalton Trans., 2015
Dip-Pen Nanolithography-Assisted Protein Crystallization
Dip-Pen Nanolithography-Assisted Protein Crystallization

We demonstrate the use of DPN in directing and inducing protein crystallization on specific surface locations.

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015
Reactive Superhydrophobic Surface
Patterning on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Our PAINTS surfaces show superhydrophobicity and can be conveniently functionalized with the photoclick thiol-ene reaction. PAINTS bearing vinyl groups can be easily modified with disulfides under UV irradiation.

Nano Lett. 15 (2015) 675–681
False colour scanning electron microscope (SEM)-micrographs of a fabricated electro-optomechanical device.
Diamond electro-optomechanical resonators integrated in nanophotonic circuits

Featured on the cover of APL. We demonstrate that our circuits can excite higher order mechanical resonances up to 115 MHz both in vacuum and under ambient conditions.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 251102 (2014)
News mica
Persistent hysteresis in graphene-mica van der Waals heterostructures

We have designed and studied van der Waals heterostructures based on graphene, mica and hexagonal boron nitride and show that hysteretic behavior can be very strong and persists even at millikelvin temperatures.

Nanotechnology 26, 015202 (2015)
With growing interactions the oscillation period increases until it diverges at an interaction strength approximately equal to the bandwidth.
Signature of the Dirac cone in the properties of linear oligoacenes

Here we show that, contrary to widely held belief, the magnitudes of excitation gaps do not always decay monotonously with N, but can oscillate due to the presence of a ‘Dirac cone’ in the band structure.

Nature Communications, September, 2014
Unraveling the Influence of Lanthanide Ions on Intra and Inter-Molecular Electronic Processes in Fe10Ln10 Nano-Toruses

Advancing the current understanding of molecular spintronics, we use femtosecond absorption spectroscopy to show that the intramolecular electronic channels follow a three-step process.

Advanced Functional Materials (2014) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201400336
Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Solution Processed SWCNTs

We demonstrate the use of variable-wavelength photocurrent microscopy and photocurrent spectroscopy to study the photoresponse of (n, m) sorted SWNT devices. 

ACS Nano (2014) DOI: 10.1021/nn503278d
Scheme of Antibodies interacting with Lipid Membranes
Antibody Lipid Interaction:

"HIV-1 antibodies and vaccine antigen selectively interact with lipid domains" by Hardy et al. in Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1838 (2014) 2662-2669 

mechanical invisibility cloak diagram forces
An elasto-mechanical unfeelability cloak made of pentamode metamaterials

KIT researchers have created the first mechanical invisibility cloak. When placed over an object, the object cannot be felt at all — either by a finger, or a more sensitive measuring device.

Nature Communications June 2014

Press Release in German
KIT Forscher bauen optische Tarnkappe für Nebel
Invisibility cloaking in a diffusive light scattering medium

Researchers at the KIT have developed a cloak that is broadband, omnidirectional, and big enough to hide a macroscopic object. The new cloak works  in foggy or "diffusive" conditions.

Science June 2014 
Science News 

Press Release in German
Science 2014 image
Electrically driven nuclear spin resonance in single-molecule magnets

A recent publication in Science shows how coherent single nuclear-spin manipulation using electric fields only can be achieved. This quantum-mechanical process is present in all nuclear spin systems and uses of the hyperfine Stark effect as a magnetic field transducer at the atomic level.

Science June 2014
Preparation of Purified DWCNTs

We demonstrate a new method utilising gel chromatography to separate double walled carbon nanotubes from the as prepared raw material containing single- and double- walled nanotubes. 

ACS Nano (2014) DOI: 10.1021/nn500756a
Carbon Nanotube Film Metallicity in Solar Cells

We provide a comparison between carbon nanotube - silicon solar cells fabricated with either semiconducting, metallic or mixed nanotubes.

Physica Status Solidi A (2014) DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431403
We demonstrate how light from an electrically driven carbon nanotube can be coupled directly into a photonic waveguide architecture

Waferscale, broadband sources are realized integrated with nanophotonic circuits allowing for propagation of light over centimeter distances.

Advanced Materials 26, 3465 (2014)
Ordered mesoporous thin film ferroelectrics
Ordered mesoporous thin film ferroelectrics

Reitz et al. report in this paper that cubic mesoporous lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films with both a high degree of biaxial texturing and good ferroelectric properties can be produced by facile coassembly strategies. 

Chem. Mater., 2014, 26, 2195–2202
arge-pore mesoporous Ho3Fe5O12 thin films with out-of-plane magnetic easy axis
Large-pore mesoporous Ho3Fe5O12 thin films with out-of-plane magnetic easy axis

Preference for room-temperature out-of-plane magnetic alignment in solution-processed mesostructured thin films is unique, as reported by Suchomski et al.

Chem. Mater., 2014, 26, 2337–2343
Micro-Spotting with Quill-Like Pens

"Click-Chemistry Based Multi-Component Microarrays by Quill-Like Pens" by Hirtz et al. in Adv. Mater. Interfaces 1 (2014) 1300129

flouride battery
New fluoride ion battery working at room-temperature

This work reports a novel liquid electrolyte based on a fluoride-doped polymer matrix, which was developed for anion transportation. 

Royal Society of Chemistry
ACOM-STEM image of ncNi with deformation processes overlaid
Untangling dislocation and grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline Nickel

J. Lohmiller, M. Grewer, C. Braun, A. Kobler, C. Kübel, V. Honkimäki, O. Kraft, R. Birringer, P.A. Gruber, Acta Mat., 2014, 65, 295-307.

Additional information
Broadband terahertz generation from metamaterials
Broadband terahertz generation from metamaterials

Researchers demonstrate broadband terahertz (THz) wave generation using metamaterials.

Nature Communications
Automated Preparation of (n,m) Pure SWCNTs

With the use of a Gel Permeation Chromatography system we demonstrate the simple, scalable and automated separation of (n,m) pure s-SWCNTs.

ACS Nano 8 (2014) 1817-1826
Charge distribution of CNT-graphene junctions

Here we have studied the equilibrium distance of armchair carbon nanotube-graphene junctions as a function of the nanotube diameter and the electrostatic influence of the nanotube on the graphene sheet. 

New Journal of Physics Jan. 2014
Many-body (de)localization in large quantum chains

Subdiffusive quench dynamics in Heisenberg chains has been shown to extend to stronger disorder in larger systems.

Phys. Rev. B 98, 174202 (2018)
Gold-coated AFM tip
Nanotechnology Cover

"Enhancing Raman signals with an interferometrically controlled AFM tip" got on the cover of Nanotechnology magazine.

[ Nanotechnology ]
Supercurrent confinement in a graphene-based quantum point contact

Josephson effect and magnetointerference have been studied in a bilayer graphene heterostructure.

Nat. Commun. 9, 1722 (2018)
L-DPN on Graphene
Lipid Membranes on Graphene:

"Multiplexed biomimetic lipid membranes on graphene by dip-pen nanolithography"

by Hirtz et al. in Nat. Commun. 4 (2013) 2591 

cover small

copolymer does the job! and enables easy and efficient sorting of large diameter semiconducting SWNTs.

Learn more...
Switching the spin state of a coupled spin-pair

The spin state of a coupled spin-system can be switched electronically.

Nat. Nanotechnol. 2013
Ir(ppy)3 as quantum transducer
Ir(ppy)3 as Quantum Transducer for Plasmon Generation

Controlling light at the nanoscale by electrical fields requires objects, in which electro-magnetic properties are responsive to gating fields. In two recent publications it was shown that molecules fulfil this requirement and act as such quantum transducers. This article was presented as research highlight in Nature Photonics.
Nano Letters 2013

Nano Letters 2014
Oxygen affinity of iron porphyrin molecules revealed

Using gas-phase ion chemistry the binding energy of molecular oxygen and carbon monoxide to heme analogue iron(II)porphyrin anions has been determined.

For more information see: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52(39), 10374 (2013)

TOC Image
Nanoporous Polymer for Spotting:

"Porous polymer coatings as substrates for the formation of high-fidelity micropatterns by quill-like pens"
by Hirtz et al. in Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 377-384

test news
Modulation of the selectivity of Schiff base formation in mixtures of two NH2 compounds and one aldehyde or of two aldehydes and one amine

A.-M. Stadler, Israel J. Chem., 2013, 53, 113-121.

Functionalized Goblet Structure
Whispering Gallery Mode Sensors:

On-chip microlasers for biomolecular detection via highly localized deposition of a multifunctional phospholipid ink by Bog et al.  More...

Lab Chip 13 (2013) 2701-2707
Quantum Dot-Resonator Laser
Quantum Dot-Resonator Lasing Circuit

We study the noise properties of the transport current in the lasing regime of a double quantum dot-resonator circuit.

New J. Phys. 15, 025044 (2013)
Spin-phonon coupling in a single-molecule resonator


A single TbPc2 molecule and a carbon nanotube interact electro-mechanically as quantum objects.

Nature News and Views by Richard Winpenny.

Nat. Nanotechnol. 2013
Nanoparticle etching a tunnel into graphite
Nanoparticles digging the world's smallest tunnels


Nickel nanoparticles are used to etch world's smallest tunnels into graphite.

[Nanowerk] [F.A.Z.]

Nature Communications 4 (2012) 1379
Plasmons in Molecules

We show that the concept of plasmons is still applicable for extended molecular systems and demonstrate that the proposed scaling approach provides an easy way of characterizing electronic excitations.

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Nature Communications

Our paper on waveguide single photon detectors is published by Nature Communications. Press Release.

Large shape-persistent metal-invertible 15-Nsp2-donor-atom macrocycles functioning as trinucleating ligands

A.-M. Stadler, J.-J. Jiang, H.-P. Wang, C. Bailly, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 3784-3786 

Graphene microwave transistors on hexagonal boron nitride substrates driven by graphene nanoribbon backgates

Our new paper shows the possibilities of using graphene nanoribbons back-gates in microwave graphene field effect transistors on hexagonal boron nitride substrates.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 102
Spin transport in superconductor hybrid structures
Long-range spin transport in nanoscale superconductors

In nanoscale superconductors with a Zeeman splitting, spin-polarized quasiparticles can be transported over suprisingly long distances. Read more in Hübler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 207001 (2012)

Signature of the Dirac cone in the properties of linear oligoacenes

Here we show that, contrary to widely held belief, the magnitudes of excitation gaps do not always decay monotonously with N, but can oscillate due to the presence of a ‘Dirac cone’ in the band structure.

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(Bio)functional Nanostructured Surfaces

 Pattern formation of the nanometer scale by self-organization. An example for biofunctional films is shown.

MEC in Fe island
Dynamics of Electrically Driven Martensitic Phase Transitions in Fe Nanoislands

We studied the dynamics and energetics of the martensitic phase transition in the electric field on the nanometer scale.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 167601 (2013)

Small Ti clusters for catalysis of hydrogen exchange in NaAlH4
Paper awarded

Our paper "Small Ti clusters for catalysis of hydrogen exchange in NaAlH4" from 2003 in Nanotechnology has recently been awarded as one of the TOP 25 papers of the journal of the last 25 years.

Graphene inside an optical cavity
Graphene in a cavity

A sheet of graphene inside an optical cavity shows spectrally confined thermal emission.

[KIT press] [Physik in unserer Zeit]

Nature Communications 3 (2012) 906
Image of pentamode material
New material class realized

KIT Researchers Succeed in Realizing a New Material Class.

Press release
Double QD Fluctuation Theorem
Irreversibilty in SE-Tunneling

We present a low-temperature experimental test of the fluctuation theorem for electron transport through a double quantum dot. The rare entropy-consuming system trajectories where single charges flow against the source-drain bias appear with a frequency that agrees with the theoretical predictions. 

Phys. Rev. X 2, 011001 (2012)
Nanocontact Printing and AFM Nanolithography

Nanoanalytics and nanolithography via AFM. Functional chemical patterns on surfaces can be written and subsequently imaged with the same AFM tip. 

Optomechanical Memory

Our new paper in Nature Nanotechnology describes the realization of a non-volatile memory element driven by opto-mechanical interactions.

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Single molecule GMR

We measured the giant magnetoresistance of single Hydrogen-Phtalocyanine molecules of about 60%. This value is extremely large in view of the fact that they do not contain any magnetic atoms.

Nature Nanotechnology 6 (2011) 185-189


Surface-confined molecular motors.
Surface-confined molecular motors

 The self-assembly of surface-confined molecular motors from simple molecular building blocks was reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (in collaboration with J.V. Barth, TU München).

PNAS 2010
The Single-Atom Transistor

 The Atomic Transistor. The controlled repositioning of one single silver atom allows for the reversible opening and closing of an electronic circuit.