Innovation & Patents
Research at the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) lays the groundwork for futher development and technological applications. Some of the collaborative projects our researchers are involved in include:
- creating start-ups such as Nanoscribe and Nanomatch
- developing next-generation batteries together with BASF in the Joint Laboratory BELLA
- working on cost-effective solutions for stationary and mobile storage systems in Competence E projects
- collaborating with industrial partners through our Nanomat network
The Nanoscribe Photonic Professional is an easy-to-operate table-top laser lithography system
Our scientists have successfully applied for over 30 patents and are involved in multiple projects including the following:
- Multiscale Material Modelling on High Performance Computer Architectures: a transferable and extendable platform for multiscale materials simulations based in UNICORE workflow engine
Reactive Intercalation Process: a novel single-step process for synthesis of a high efficient conversion cathode composite for Lithium-ion batteries
- VacuShut (PDF): the shuttle for air-sensitive samples