Venue and Accommodation

Bad-Herrenalb "Haus der Kirche"
HTC-2015 will take place from the 17th-21st of May 2015 in Bad-Herrenalb (a beautiful place in the Black Forest close to Karlsruhe and Baden-Baden) in the Conference Center „Haus der Kirche“. It is easy to access by train from the international airports in Frankfurt am Main, Basel, Karlsruhe-Baden, Munich and Strasbourg.
Accommodation and meals during the conference are included in the conference fee. If you need to stay in the conference hotel before and/or after the conference please contact the „Haus der Kirche“ directly and pay separately.
Arriving with public transport:
Karlsruhe to Bad-Herrenalb by train and S-Bahn
With the ICE train to Karlsruhe main station, then take the S-Bahn S1. More Information: Deutsche Bahn AG.
Every hour (6-24:00) with the S-Bahn line S1 of the Transport Association of Karlsruhe (eg Hauptbahnhof) via Ettlingen to Bad-Herrenalb terminus station. The tram departs directly from the forecourt of the main station (Hauptbahnhof).
If you come by train, please buy the train ticket directly to Bad-Herrenalb (i.e. not to Karlsruhe! You will just change the long-distance train for local train in Karlsruhe).
Bad-Herrenalb by bus
Scheduled buses reach Bad-Herrenalb also from Pforzheim, Baden-Baden and Wildbad / Calw.
More Information: Timetable Information EFA ( transport) of Baden-Württemberg .
Taxis by appointment.
The conference center is easily reached by bus 113 /116, please see the following schedules:
From Bad-Herrenalb train station on foot:
Walk from Bahnhof Bad-Herrenalb (5-10 min)
The conference site is located behind the Catholic Church of St. Bernard on the mountain in the direction Dobel, the church (red sandstone) can already be seen from the Bad-Herrenalb Station.
We recommmend: Cross from the train station, the railway station road at the mini golf course along to Ettlingerstaße, the street (crosswalk), then the Bleichweg about 50 m along the left, to the right the flat Teichweg run to the end, right is the conference site on a hillside (rear entrance, please ring).
If you prefer the main entrance, just walk a few steps further around the house to the rear parking lot, from there a way to the main entrance of the Academy.