The development of synthetic genomics technologies is an emerging field essential in life science and healthcare, including the immunotherapy treatment or gene therapies for previously incurable diseases. Controlled synthesis of the genetic "code" has also diverse applications in life-science nanomaterial and biotech research. Combining AI-based technologies with state-of-the-art DNA synthesis and simulation, synthetic DNA can be tailored for specific purposes. Realization of these prospects is the main aim of newly funded Carl-Zeiss Foundation Center for
“Synthetic Genomics – writing the code of life” (CZS-Center SynGen), a joint initiative of
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
The group of
Dr. Kozlowska within SynGen focuses on modelling the structure and property of bio-macromolecules using scale-bridging computational approaches, synthetic genomics by in-silico genome analysis, engineering, structuring, as well as DNA interactions with other molecules. It is a part of the DNA Unit of
Virtual Materials Design platform at KIT, which belongs to the Joint Lab “Virtual Materials Design” in the Helmholtz Research Field “Information” across the Helmholtz Programs “Materials Systems Engineering”, “Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing” and “Engineering Digital Futures”.