Research Unit Dehnen – People and Responsibilities

group foto RU DehnenStefanie Dehnen

Research Unit Head

Name Portrait Adress Phone Fax E-Mail Room
Dehnen, Stefanie

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Nanotechnology
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
+49 721 608-28940 +49 721 608- stefanie dehnen does-not-exist.kit edu 0-422
Curriculum Vitae

English (long)

German (lang)

English/German (short/kurz)

Author Profile

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 3542. DOI

Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 3602. DOI

Administration and Group Leaders
Name Portrait Contact Job Description
+49 721 608-26441
olaf fuhr does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait picture of Benjamin Peerless
+49 721 608-26371
benjamin peerless does-not-exist.kit edu
Metallide Cluster-Based Materials
Portrait picture of Niklas RInn
+49 721 608-26359
niklas rinn does-not-exist.kit edu
Hybrid Cluster-Based Materials
Portrait picture of Bastian Weinert
+49 721 608-28771
bastian weinert does-not-exist.kit edu
Chalcogenido Metallates and Battery Materials
1 additional person visible within KIT only.
Junior Research Group Leaders
Name Portrait Contact Job Description
+49 721 608-26341
frank biedermann does-not-exist.kit edu
Analyte Detection with High Affinity Chemosensors (Emmy-Noether Group)
Foto Svetlana Klementyeva
+49 721 608-28115
svetlana klementyeva does-not-exist.kit edu
Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Rare Earths and Main Group Metals with Focus on: Catalysts, Clusters, Optical Materials and Single-Molecule Magnets
Junior Research Group Leader (Liebig Fellow) - Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Healthcare Applications - Topic: Synthesis of Porous Hybrid Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
Portrait picture of Oliver Townrow
+49 721 608-28173
oliver townrow does-not-exist.kit edu
Name Portrait Contact Job Description
Portrait Gelen Gomez Jaimes
+49 721 608-26418
gelen jaimes does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait picture of Lukas uggolz
+49 721 608-26376
lukas guggolz does-not-exist.kit edu
Quantum Chemical Studies of Cluster-Based Materials
Portrait Arijit Jana
+49 721 608-26421
arijit jana does-not-exist.kit edu
Thermochemical Synthesis of Metal Chalcogenide and Metal Oxo Clusters
Pic of Asha Pankajakshan
+49 721 608-28115
asha pankajakshan does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait picture of Irán Rojas León
+49 721 608-26444
iran leon does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait-Foto Yaofeng Wang
+49 721 608-26421
yaofeng wang does-not-exist.kit edu
Exploration of the Co-Crystallization of Nanoclusters and Fullerenes, and Synthesis of Fullerene-Based Compounds of Various Dimensions through Coordination Reactions with Transition Metals
PhD Students
Name Portrait Contact Job Description
Portait photo Maryam Ahmadi
+49 721 608-28115
maryam ahmadi does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait picture of Katrin Beuthert
+49 721 608-29062
katrin beuthert does-not-exist.kit edu
Sb- and Bi-based Zintl Anions and Phases and their Reactivity towards Transition Metal and Lanthanide Compounds
Portrait picture of Jan Christmann
+49 721 608-26444
jan christmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Synthesis of Organotetrel(IV) Chalcogenide Cluster with Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Scaffold and their Reactivity
Portrait picture of Kimon Flosdorf
+49 721 608-28985
kimon flosdorf does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait Piicture of Chloé Krampe
+49 721 608-28929
chloe krampe does-not-exist.kit edu
+49 721 608-26322
maximilian kubis does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait Piicture of Yannick Lohse
+49 721 608-28834
yannick lohse does-not-exist.kit edu
Portait photo Simon Nier
+49 721 608-28929
simon nier does-not-exist.kit edu
Development of Functional Materials for Inkjet Printing Based on Binary Organotin Sulfide Clusters and Synthesis of Ternary Organosilicon Coinage Metal Sulfide Clusters
Portrait-Foto Julia Rienmüller
+49 721 608-26418
julia rienmueller does-not-exist.kit edu
Synthesis of Polybismuth-Anions with Bismuth-Based Zintl-Anions in Unusual Solvents and Investigation of their Reactivity
Portrait picture of Andreas Schmidt
+49 721 608-26322
andreas schmidt2 does-not-exist.kit edu
Synthesis of Polybismuthide Anions through the Reaction of (Bi2)2– with 12-electron Transition Metal Fragments
Portrait picture of Nils Spang
+49 721 608-29062
nils spang does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait-Foto Gina Stuhrmann
+49 721 608-26418
gina stuhrmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Ionothermal Synthesis of Crystalline Sulfido- and Selenidometalates and their Selective Functionalization with and in Ionic Liquids as well as Solid-State Reactions of Chalcogenide-Based Compounds and their Reaction Pathways
Portrait picture of Marvin Szabo
+49 721 608-29062
marvin szabo does-not-exist.kit edu
Portrait picture of Mirko Diels
+49 721 608-28834
mirko tallu does-not-exist.kit edu
Transformation of Heavy Telluridometalates in Ionic Liquids
Portrait picture of Jie Wang
+49 721 608-26444
jie wang does-not-exist.kit edu
Synthesis of Adamantane-Based Group 14 Chalcogenide Clusters with Organic Substituents
Portrait picture of Shangxin Wei
+49 721 608-26322
shangxin wei does-not-exist.kit edu
Elucidation of the Reactivity of Ternary Zintl Solids: Between Match and Mismatch of p-Block Metal Atoms in the Formation of Multimetallic Zintl Clusters
Portrait-Foto Zhou Wu
+49 721 608-28834
zhou wu does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Tailoring Supertetrahedral Clusters through Ligand Dissociation and Association
Laboratory Assistants and Trainees
Name Portrait Contact Job Description
  Angel for everything
+49 721 608-28941
franziska ganslmaier does-not-exist.kit edu
Angel for everything

Master and Bachelor Thesis

Name Portrait Contact Job Description
Kämpfe, Martina

+49 721 608-28929

martina kaempfe does-not-exist.student kit edu


Synthesis of Quasi-Binary and Multinary Organotetrel

Chalcogenide Clusters and their Derivatization with Biomolecules

Kistner, David

+49 721 608-26322

david kistner does-not-exist.student kit edu


Reactivity of Group 3–5 Triamidoamine Complexes

Towards p-Block Pseudo Tetrahedral Anions

Himani Sathvika Potti  


himanisathvika does-not-exist.students iisertirupati ac in


Reactivity of Transitionmetal Complexes

Towards p-Block Pseudo Tetrahedral Anions