Portrait picture of Prof. Jasmin Aghassi-Hagmann

Prof. Dr. Jasmin Aghassi-Hagmann



2007 PhD in Physics from Karlsruhe University (today KIT), Karlsruhe
Thesis:“Electronic Transport and Noise in Quantum Dot Systems”
2004 Diploma in Physics from Aachen University (RWTH), Aachen
Thesis on the topic of EUV Lithography

Professional Experience

2021- Full professor and Research Unit Chair at Institute of Nanotechnology (INT), Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ETIT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2018 Visiting Professor at EMPA Dübendorf and ETH Zürich in the group of Prof. Tiwari, thin film electronics
2013-2021 Full Professor, Faculty Electrical Engineering, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Printed electronic devices and semiconductor physics
2011-2013 Manager CMOS Platform technology, Intel, Munich, Germany
28 HK metal gate CMOS technology
04/2009 - 06/2009 Short time delegation to East Fishkill, NY, USA
Infineon delegate within the IBM-Alliance (ISDA), modeling of a high performance analog CMOS device
2007-2011 Senior staff engineer Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany
CMOS modeling and characterization,  thermal effects in semiconductor devices

Professional Activities (selected)

Since 06/2023 Editorial board member of IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics (J-Flex)
Since 09/2022 Executive editorial board member of Flexible and Printed Electronics (FPE) at IOP Publishing
Since 01/2021 Topic-Spokesperson and member of the extended management board within the Helmholtz Society Research Program “Information/Materials System Engineering”
2020- Principle Investigator and member of Coordinating Committee in the DFG-Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O
2016-2020 Scientific Coordinator in the BaWu MWK Graduate School “Modellierung, Entwurf, Realisierung und Automatisierung von gedruckter Elektronik und Ihren Materialien (MERAGEM)“

Academic Honors and Awards (selected)

2004 Schöneborn-Prize of RWTH Aachen University
2004 Springorum Gedenkmünze of RWTH Aachen University
2004 Marie Curie Prize Hamburg





Printed High‐Entropy Prussian Blue Analogs for Advanced Non‐Volatile Memristive Devices
He, Y.; Ting, Y.-Y.; Hu, H.; Diemant, T.; Dai, Y.; Lin, J.; Schweidler, S.; Marques, G. C.; Hahn, H.; Ma, Y.; Brezesinski, T.; Kowalski, P. M.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2025. Advanced Materials, 37 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2410060. doi:10.1002/adma.202410060
Inkjet Printed Metal–Organic Frameworks for Non‐Volatile Memory Devices Suitable for Printed RRAM
Liu, Y.; Fischer, F.; Hu, H.; Gliemann, H.; Natzeck, C.; Schwotzer, M.; Rainer, C.; Lemmer, U.; Wöll, C.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2025. Advanced Functional Materials, 35 (4). doi:10.1002/adfm.202412372
High‐Entropy Metal–Organic Frameworks and Their Derivatives: Advances in Design, Synthesis, and Applications for Catalysis and Energy Storage
Xing, J.; Liu, Y.; Mathew, G.; He, Q.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Schweidler, S.; Breitung, B.
2024. Advanced Science, Art.-Nr.: 2411175. doi:10.1002/advs.202411175
Quantitative Convolutional Neural Network Based Multi-Phase XRD Pattern Analysis
Höfer, H. H.; Orth, A.; Schweidler, S.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Reischl, M.
2024. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 10 (4), 307–310. doi:10.1515/cdbme-2024-2075
Layered high-entropy sulfides: boosting electrocatalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction by cocktail effects
Lin, L.; Ding, Z.; Karkera, G.; Diemant, T.; Chen, D.-H.; Fichtner, M.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Breitung, B.; Schweidler, S.
2024. Materials Futures, 3 (4), Article no: 045102. doi:10.1088/2752-5724/ad8a78
Site‐Selective Biofunctionalization of 3D Microstructures Via Direct Ink Writing
Mathew, G.; Lemma, E. D.; Fontana, D.; Zhong, C.; Rainer, A.; Sekula-Neuner, S.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hirtz, M.; Berganza, E.
2024. Small, 20 (51). doi:10.1002/smll.202404429
Colloidal particles as noise source for random number generation
Scholz, A.; Arya, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. AIP Advances, 14 (10), Art.-Nr.: 105114. doi:10.1063/5.0223329
Electrolyte-Gated Indium Oxide Based Transistor on PET Substrate Enabled by Hybrid Process
Alam, S.; Wang, X.; Saghafi, M. K.; Marques, G. C.; Neffe, A. T.; Toma, F. M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), Bologna, 15th-18th September 2024, 1–3, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IFETC61155.2024.10771888
Pass Logic-Gates Based on Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistors with Metal Oxide Channels
Cheragh, G. M.; Gupta, P.; Marques, G. C.; Matei, G.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), Bologna, 15th-18th September 2024, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IFETC61155.2024.10771882
Using the High-Entropy Approach to Obtain Multimetal Oxide Nanozymes: Library Synthesis, In Silico Structure–Activity, and Immunoassay Performance
Phan-Xuan, T.; Schweidler, S.; Hirte, S.; Schüller, M.; Lin, L.; Khandelwal, A.; Wang, K.; Schützke, J.; Reischl, M.; Kübel, C.; Hahn, H.; Bello, G.; Kirchmair, J.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Breitung, B.; Dailey, L. A.
2024. ACS Nano, 18 (29), 19024–19037. doi:10.1021/acsnano.4c03053
Quantization-Robust On-Chip Jitter Measurement Technique for Multiple Local Oscillator Systems
Schramm, L.; Baumgartner, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Singapur, 19th-22nd May 2024, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISCAS58744.2024.10558206
High‐Resolution Printed Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Based Strain Sensor for Impact Sensing
Nazari, P.; Zimmermann, J.; Melzer, C.; Kowalsky, W.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.; Lemmer, U.
2024. Advanced Sensor Research, 3 (7), Art.-Nr.: 2300189. doi:10.1002/adsr.202300189
Electrohydrodynamic printing of high aspect ratio conductive structures
Kaufhold, R.; Khan, S.; Kosel, J.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Tampere, Finland, 30 June 2024 - 03 July 2024, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/FLEPS61194.2024.10604247
Recent progress in the laser microprinting of semiconductors and metals
Somers, P.; Steurer, M.; Kraus, S.; Feist, F.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Weinert, B.; Dolle, C.; Müller, E.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Dehnen, S.; Eggeler, Y.; Feldmann, C.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Wegener, M.
2024. 29th Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM 2024). Ed.: L. Gemini, 18, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2692064
Material losses characterization in superconducting resonators based on α and β Tantalum
Dhundhwal, R.; Duan, H.; Brauch, L.; Arabi, S.; Li, Q.; Pal, S.; Palomo, J.; Fuchs, D.; Welle, A.; Scheffler, M.; Leghtas, Z.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Kübler, C.; Wulfhekel, W.; Pop, I. M.; Reisinger, T.
2024, March. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
Active matrix-based pressure sensor system with a 4 × 16 printed decoder designed with a flexible hybrid organic process design kit
Gupta, P.; Lukosiunas, J.; Marques, G. C.; Raths, S.; Stehlin, S.; Schlisske, S.; Exner, K.; Strunk, K.-P.; Melzer, C.; Erk, P.; Mittermaier, J.; Klotz, A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Flexible and Printed Electronics, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 015006. doi:10.1088/2058-8585/ad20fa
Entropy‐Mediated Stable Structural Evolution of Prussian White Cathodes for Long‐Life Na‐Ion Batteries
He, Y.; Dreyer, S. L.; Ting, Y.-Y.; Ma, Y.; Hu, Y.; Goonetilleke, D.; Tang, Y.; Diemant, T.; Zhou, B.; Kowalski, P. M.; Fichtner, M.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Breitung, B.; Ma, Y.
2024. Angewandte Chemie, 136 (7), e202315371. doi:10.1002/ange.202315371
Electron microscopic investigation of photothermal laser printed ZnO nanoarchitectures
Kraft, K.; Grünewald, L.; Quintilla, A.; Müller, E.; Steurer, M.; Somers, P.; Kraus, S.; Feist, F.; Weinert, B.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Dehnen, S.; Feldmann, C.; Kowollik, C. B.; Wegener, M.; Aghassi, J.; Eggeler, Y.
2024. (K. Qvortrup & K. Weede, Eds.) BIO Web of Conferences, 129, Article no: 24028. doi:10.1051/bioconf/202412924028
A Comprehensive Guide to Fully Inkjet‐Printed IGZO Transistors
Magnarin, L.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Advanced Electronic Materials, Art.-Nr.: 2400478. doi:10.1002/aelm.202400478
High-entropy materials for energy and electronic applications
Schweidler, S.; Botros, M.; Strauss, F.; Wang, Q.; Ma, Y.; Velasco, L.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Sarkar, A.; Kübel, C.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Breitung, B.
2024. Nature Reviews Materials, 9 (4), 266–281. doi:10.1038/s41578-024-00654-5
Wetting Behavior of Inkjet-Printed Electronic Inks on Patterned Substrates
Arya, P.; Wu, Y.; Wang, F.; Wang, Z.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Levkin, P. A.; Nestler, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Langmuir, 40 (10), 5162–5173. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03297
Accelerating Materials Discovery: Automated Identification of Prospects from X‐Ray Diffraction Data in Fast Screening Experiments
Schuetzke, J.; Schweidler, S.; Muenke, F. R.; Orth, A.; Khandelwal, A. D.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Reischl, M.
2024. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 6 (3), Art.-Nr.: 2300501. doi:10.1002/aisy.202300501
Entropy‐Mediated Stable Structural Evolution of Prussian White Cathodes for Long‐Life Na‐Ion Batteries
He, Y.; Dreyer, S. L.; Ting, Y.-Y.; Ma, Y.; Hu, Y.; Goonetilleke, D.; Tang, Y.; Diemant, T.; Zhou, B.; Kowalski, P. M.; Fichtner, M.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Breitung, B.; Ma, Y.
2024. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63 (7), Art.-Nr.: e202315371. doi:10.1002/anie.202315371
Inkjet‐Printed Tungsten Oxide Memristor Displaying Non‐Volatile Memory and Neuromorphic Properties
Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Dolle, C.; Zintler, A.; Quintilla, A.; Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Eggeler, Y. M. M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.Nr.: 2302290. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302290
Printed Electronic Devices and Systems for Interfacing with Single Cells up to Organoids
Saghafi, M. K.; Vasantham, S. K.; Hussain, N.; Mathew, G.; Colombo, F.; Schamberger, B.; Pohl, E.; Marques, G. C.; Breitung, B.; Tanaka, M.; Bastmeyer, M.; Selhuber-Unkel, C.; Schepers, U.; Hirtz, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (51), Art.-Nr.: 2308613. doi:10.1002/adfm.202308613
Fully Printed Electrolyte‐Gated Transistor Formed in a 3D Polymer Reservoir with Laser Printed Drain/Source Electrodes (Adv. Mater. Technol. 22/2023)
Cadilha Marques, G.; Yang, L.; Liu, Y.; Wollersen, V.; Scherer, T.; Breitung, B.; Wegener, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8 (22), Art.-Nr.: 2370121. doi:10.1002/admt.202370121
On-Chip Quantization-and Correlation-Robust Jitter Measurement for Low Phase Noise and High Frequency Oscillators
Schramm, L.; Baumgartner, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70 (11), 3958–3962. doi:10.1109/TCSII.2023.3282817
Security Enhanced Hybrid Electronic System in Foil for Temperature Sensing
Scholz, A.; Wolfer, T.; Friedrich, M.; Albrecht, B.; Sauva, S.; Kister, T.; Lay, M.; Abdolinezhad, S.; Hadrich, W.; Alam, S.; Dost, G.; Harendt, C.; Sikora, A.; Kraus, T.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. 2023 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), San Jose, USA, CA, USA,13-16 August 2023, 1–3, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IFETC57334.2023.10254812
KadiStudio Use-Case Workflow: Automation of Data Processing for in Situ Micropillar Compression Tests
Al-Salman, R.; Teixeira, C. A.; Zschumme, P.; Lee, S.; Griem, L.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Selzer, M.
2023. Data Science Journal, 22, Art.-Nr.: 21. doi:10.5334/dsj-2023-021
An Inkjet-Printed Inverter Array Realizing a Physically Unclonable Function
Scholz, A.; Sauva, S.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Boston, MA, USA, 09-12 July 2023, 1–4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/FLEPS57599.2023.10220404
Direct Writing of Liquid Metal Microheaters for Microvalve Applications
Hussain, N.; Scholz, A.; Spratte, T.; Selhuber-Unkel, C.; Hirtz, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), 10220414, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/FLEPS57599.2023.10220414
Influence of Transistor Compact Model Accuracy on Phase Noise Simulation
Schramm, L.; Baumgartner, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. 2023 18th Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Valencia, Spain, 18-21 June 2023, 329 – 332, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/PRIME58259.2023.10161796
High‐Throughput Screening of High‐Entropy Fluorite‐Type Oxides as Potential Candidates for Photovoltaic Applications
Kumbhakar, M.; Khandelwal, A.; Jha, S. K.; Kante, M. V.; Keßler, P.; Lemmer, U.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Colsmann, A.; Breitung, B.; Velasco, L.; Schweidler, S.
2023. Advanced Energy Materials, 13 (24), Art.-Nr.: 2204337. doi:10.1002/aenm.202204337
A Fully Inkjet-Printed Unipolar Metal Oxide Memristor for Nonvolatile Memory in Printed Electronics
Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.; Marques, G. C.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 70 (6), 3051–3056. doi:10.1109/TED.2023.3269405
Fully Printed Electrolyte‐Gated Transistor Formed in a 3D Polymer Reservoir with Laser Printed Drain/Source Electrodes
Cadilha Marques, G.; Yang, L.; Liu, Y.; Wollersen, V.; Scherer, T.; Breitung, B.; Wegener, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2023. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8 (22), Art.-Nr.: 2300893. doi:10.1002/admt.202300893
High‐Entropy Sulfides as Highly Effective Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Lin, L.; Ding, Z.; Karkera, G.; Diemant, T.; Kante, M. V. V.; Agrawal, D.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Fichtner, M.; Breitung, B.; Schweidler, S.
2023. Small Structures, 4 (9), Art.-Nr.: 2300012. doi:10.1002/sstr.202300012
Piezoresistive Free‐standing Microfiber Strain Sensor for High‐resolution Battery Thickness Monitoring
Nazari, P.; Bäuerle, R.; Bäuerle, R.; Zimmermann, J.; Melzer, C.; Schwab, C.; Smith, A.; Kowalsky, W.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.; Lemmer, U.
2023. Advanced Materials, 35 (21), Art.-Nr.: 2212189. doi:10.1002/adma.202212189
Direct laser printing of functional micro-electronics
Yang, L.; Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Feist, F.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Bojanowski, N. M.; Blasco, E.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Wegener, M.
2023. SPIE Photonics West LASE (SPIE LASE 2023), San Francisco, CA, USA, January 31–February 2, 2023. doi:10.1117/12.2648197
Laser printed microelectronics
Yang, L.; Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Feist, F.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Kraus, S.; Bojanowski, N. M.; Blasco, E.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Wegener, M.
2023. Nature Communications, 14 (1), Art.-Nr.: 1103. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-36722-7
Correlated Study of Material Interaction Between Capillary Printed Eutectic Gallium Alloys and Gold Electrodes
Hussain, N.; Scherer, T.; Das, C.; Heuer, J.; Debastiani, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hirtz, M.
2022. Small, 18 (42), Article no: 2202987. doi:10.1002/smll.202202987
Printed Electrodermal Activity Sensor with Optimized Filter for Stress Detection
Zhao, H.; Scholz, A.; Beigl, M.; Ni, S.; Singaraju, S. A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2022. International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC’22) , Atlanta, GA and Cambridge, UK, September 11-15, 2022, 112–114, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544794.3558479
In-situ Tuning of Printed Neural Networks for Variation Tolerance
Hefenbrock, M.; Weller, D. D.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Beigl, M.; Tahoori, M. B.
2022. Proceedings of the 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2022). Ed.: C. Bolchini, 72–75, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/DATE54114.2022.9774591
Counterfeit Detection and Prevention in Additive Manufacturing Based on Unique Identification of Optical Fingerprints of Printed Structures
Erozan, A. T.; Hefenbrock, M.; Gnad, D. R. E.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2022. IEEE Access, 10, 105910–105919. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3209241
Artificial Neurons on Flexible Substrates: A Fully Printed Approach for Neuromorphic Sensing
Singaraju, S. A.; Weller, D. D.; Gspann, T. S.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2022. Sensors, 22 (11), Art.-Nr. 4000. doi:10.3390/s22114000
An Automated Room Temperature Flip-Chip Mounting Process for Hybrid Printed Electronics
Chen, Z.; Gengenbach, U.; Liu, X.; Scholz, A.; Zimmermann, L.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Koker, L.
2022. Micromachines, 13 (4), 583. doi:10.3390/mi13040583
Matching Network Efficiency: The New Old Challenge for Millimeter-Wave Silicon Power Amplifiers
Lauritano, M.; Baumgartner, P.; Ulusoy, A.-C.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 22 (12), 86–96. doi:10.1109/MMM.2021.3109682
Low-frequency Noise Characteristics of Inkjet-Printed Electrolyte-gated Thin-Film Transistors
Feng, X.; Singaraju, S. A.; Hu, H.; Marques, G. C.; Fu, T.; Baumgartner, P.; Secker, D.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 42 (6), 843–846. doi:10.1109/LED.2021.3072000
Channel Geometry Scaling Effect in Printed Inorganic Electrolyte-Gated Transistors
Rasheed, F.; Rommel, M.; Marques, G. C.; Wenzel, W.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 68 (4), 1866–1871. doi:10.1109/TED.2021.3058929
A Hybrid Optoelectronic Sensor Platform with an Integrated Solution‐Processed Organic Photodiode
Scholz, A.; Gerig, D.; Zimmermann, L.; Seiberlich, M.; Strobel, N.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. Advanced materials technologies, 6 (2), Art.Nr. 2000172. doi:10.1002/admt.202000172
Printed Low-Voltage Crossbar-PUF for Identification
Scholz, A.; Zimmermann, L.; Sikora, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. 2021 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC): 8-11 August 2021, Columbus, OH, USA, 62–66, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IFETC49530.2021.9580520
Inkjet-printed bipolar resistive switching device based on Ag/ZnO/Au structure
Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Singaraju, S. A.; Tang, Y.; Marques, G. C.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2021. Applied physics letters, 119 (11), 112103–1. doi:10.1063/5.0058526
High‐Resolution Capillary Printing of Eutectic Gallium Alloys for Printed Electronics
Hussain, N.; Fu, T.; Marques, G.; Das, C.; Scherer, T.; Bog, U.; Berner, L.; Wacker, I.; Schröder, R. R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hirtz, M.
2021. Advanced materials technologies, 6 (11), Art.-Nr.: 2100650. doi:10.1002/admt.202100650
Facile Approach to Conductive Polymer Microelectrodes for Flexible Electronics
Wang, Z.; Cui, H.; Li, S.; Feng, X.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Azizian, S.; Levkin, P. A.
2021. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13 (18), 21661–21668. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c22519
Realization and training of an inverter-based printed neuromorphic computing system
Weller, D. D.; Hefenbrock, M.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2021. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 9554. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-88396-0
Improved Electrical, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Properties Through Sample‐to‐Sample Fluctuations in Near‐Percolation Threshold Composite Materials
Rösch, A. G.; Giunta, F.; Mallick, M. M.; Franke, L.; Gall, A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Schmalian, J.; Lemmer, U.
2021. Advanced theory and simulations, 4 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2000284. doi:10.1002/adts.202000284
Hybrid low-voltage physical unclonable function based on inkjet-printed metal-oxide transistors
Scholz, A.; Zimmermann, L.; Gengenbach, U.; Koker, L.; Chen, Z.; Hahn, H.; Sikora, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Nature Communications, 11 (1), Art.-Nr. 5543. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19324-5
A Printed Camouflaged Cell against Reverse Engineering of Printed Electronics Circuits
Erozan, A. T.; Weller, D. D.; Feng, Y.; Marques, G. C.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, 28 (11), 2448–2458. doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2020.3022776
Printed Machine Learning Classifiers
Mubarik, M. H.; Weller, D. D.; Bleier, N.; Tomei, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.; Kumar, R.
2020. 2020 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Athens, Greece, Greece, 17-21 Oct. 2020, 73–87, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/MICRO50266.2020.00019
Bayesian Optimized Mixture Importance Sampling for High-Sigma Failure Rate Estimation
Weller, D. D.; Hefenbrock, M.; Golanbari, M. S.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 39 (10), 2772–2783. doi:10.1109/tcad.2019.2961321
Hardware-Intrinsic Security with Printed Electronics for Identification of IoE Devices
Zimmermann, L.; Scholz, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Sikora, A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. 24th IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2020; Library and Information Center (LIC) of the Technical UniversitySofia, Bulgaria, 7 - 10 September 2020, Art.Nr. 9218277, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ECCTD49232.2020.9218277
ALD-Derived, Low-Density Alumina as Solid Electrolyte in Printed Low-Voltage FETs
Neuper, F.; Marques, G. C.; Singaraju, S. A.; Kruk, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2020. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 67 (9), 3828–3833. doi:10.1109/TED.2020.3005624
Fully Printed Inverters using Metal‐Oxide Semiconductor and Graphene Passives on Flexible Substrates
Singaraju, S. A.; Marques, G. C.; Gruber, P.; Kruk, R.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Physica status solidi / Rapid research letters, 14 (9), Art.Nr. 2000252. doi:10.1002/pssr.202000252
Printed Logic Gates Based on Enhancement- and Depletion-Mode Electrolyte-Gated Transistors
Marques, G. C.; Birla, A.; Arnal, A.; Dehm, S.; Ramon, E.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 67 (8), 3146–3151. doi:10.1109/TED.2020.3002208
Adhesive Ion‐Gel as Gate Insulator of Electrolyte‐Gated Transistors
Jeong, J.; Singaraju, S. A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2020. ChemElectroChem, 7 (13), 2735–2739. doi:10.1002/celc.202000305
Morphological stability of rod-shaped continuous phases
Wang, F.; Tschukin, O.; Leisner, T.; Zhang, H.; Nestler, B.; Selzer, M.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Acta materialia, 192, 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.028
Printed Microprocessors
Bleier, N.; Mubarik, M. H.; Rasheed, F.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.; Kumar, R.
2020. 2020 ACM/IEEE 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Valencia, Spain, 30 May-3 June 2020, 213–226, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISCA45697.2020.00028
High-Performance Ag–Se-Based n-Type Printed Thermoelectric Materials for High Power Density Folded Generators
Mallick, M. M.; Rösch, A. G.; Franke, L.; Ahmed, S.; Gall, A.; Geßwein, H.; Aghassi, J.; Lemmer, U.
2020. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12 (17), 19655–19663. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c01676
An Inkjet-Printed Full-Wave Rectifier for Low-Voltage Operation Using Electrolyte-Gated Indium-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
Feng, X.; Scholz, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 67 (11), 4918–4923. doi:10.1109/TED.2020.3020288
Fabrication, Characterization and Simulation of Sputtered Pt/In-Ga-Zn-O Schottky Diodes for Low-Frequency Half-Wave Rectifier Circuits
Ulianova, V.; Rasheed, F.; Bolat, S.; Sevilla, G. T.; Didenko, Y.; Feng, X.; Shorubalko, I.; Bachmann, D.; Tatarchuk, D.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Romanyuk, Y. E.
2020. IEEE access, 8, 111783–111790. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002267
A Novel Printed-Lookup-Table-Based Programmable Printed Digital Circuit
Erozan, A. T.; Weller, D. D.; Rasheed, F.; Bishnoi, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, 28 (6), 1496–1504. doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2020.2980931
A Compact Low-Voltage True Random Number Generator Based on Inkjet Printing Technology
Erozan, A. T.; Wang, G. Y.; Bishnoi, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, 28 (6), 1485–1495. doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2020.2975876
Programmable Neuromorphic Circuit based on Printed Electrolyte-Gated Transistors
Weller, D. D.; Hefenbrock, M.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Beigl, M.
2020. 2020 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 446–451, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ASP-DAC47756.2020.9045211
Demonstration of Differential Circuit (DiffC)-PUF Addressing and Readout Platform
Zimmermann, L.; Scholz, A.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Sikora, A.
2020. IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST 2019), Washington, DC, USA, May 6–10, 2019
A printed rectifier based on inkjet-printed electrolyte-gated inorganic transistors
Feng, X.; Scholz, A.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für gedruckte Elektronik (LOPEC 2020), Munich, Germany, March 24–26, 2020
Reverse Engineering of Printed Electronics Circuits: From Imaging to Netlist Extraction
Erozan, A. T.; Hefenbrock, M.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 15, 475–486. doi:10.1109/TIFS.2019.2922237
Crossover-aware placement and routing for inkjet printed circuits
Rasheed, F.; Hefenbrock, M.; Bishnoi, R.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2020. ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems, 16 (2), Article No.19. doi:10.1145/3375461
Embedded Analog Physical Unclonable Function System to Extract Reliable and Unique Security Keys
Scholz, A.; Zimmermann, L.; Sikora, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. Applied Sciences, 10 (3), Article No.759. doi:10.3390/app10030759
Fabrication and Modeling of pn-Diodes Based on Inkjet Printed Oxide Semiconductors
Cadilha Marques, G.; Sukuramsyah, A. M.; Arnal Rus, A.; Bolat, S.; Aribia, A.; Feng, X.; Singaraju, S. A.; Ramon, E.; Romanyuk, Y.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2020. IEEE electron device letters, 41 (1), 187–190. doi:10.1109/led.2019.2956346
Nonquasi-Static Capacitance Modeling and Characterization for Printed Inorganic Electrolyte-Gated Transistors in Logic Gates
Feng, X.; Marques, G. C.; Rasheed, F.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 66 (12), 5272–5277. doi:10.1109/TED.2019.2947787
Ink‐Jet Printable, Self‐Assembled, and Chemically Crosslinked Ion‐Gel as Electrolyte for Thin Film, Printable Transistors
Jeong, J.; Marques, G. C.; Feng, X.; Boll, D.; Singaraju, S. A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2019. Advanced materials interfaces, 6 (21), 1901074. doi:10.1002/admi.201901074
Development of Fully Printed Electrolyte-Gated Oxide Transistors Using Graphene Passive Structures
Singaraju, S. A.; Baby, T. T.; Neuper, F.; Kruk, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2019. ACS applied electronic materials, 1 (8), 1538–1544. doi:10.1021/acsaelm.9b00313
Impact of Intrinsic Capacitances on the Dynamic Performance of Printed Electrolyte-Gated Inorganic Field Effect Transistors
Feng, X.; Punckt, C.; Marques, G. C.; Hefenbrock, M.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 66 (8), 3365–3370. doi:10.1109/TED.2019.2919933
Progress Report on “From Printed Electrolyte‐Gated Metal‐Oxide Devices to Circuits”
Cadilha Marques, G.; Weller, D.; Erozan, A. T.; Feng, X.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Article no: 1806483. doi:10.1002/adma.201806483
Predictive Modeling and Design Automation of Inorganic Printed Electronics
Rasheed, F.; Hefenbrock, M.; Bishnoi, R.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2019. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2019), Florence, Italy, March 25–29, 2019
Printable Electronics for book and smart game applications
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. Ravensburger Buchverlag (2019), Ravensburg, Germany, January 24, 2019
Sensing Applications for Printed and Hybrid Electronics
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. International Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS 2019), Pohang, South Korea, May 13–16, 2019
Printed Electronics for biomedical applications
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. MacroBio Summer School "Biomaterial Science in View of Digitalization" (2019), Geesthacht, Germany, September 9–10, 2019
Printable low power circuits based on metal oxides
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. Swiss e-print (2019), Fribourg, Switzerland, September 23–25, 2019
Innovation by collaboration – The cluster NanoMat
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. Graphene & Co Annual Meeting (2019), Bad Herrenalb, Germany, October 27–30, 2019
Printed Security Circuits based on Intrinsic Device Variations
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. Symposium Nano-BW (2019), Bad Herrenalb, Germany, December 9–11, 2019
Tailoring Threshold Voltages of Printed Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistors by Chromium Doping of Indium Oxide Channels
Neuper, F.; Chandresh, A.; Singaraju, S. A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2019. ACS omega, 4 (24), 20579–20585. doi:10.1021/acsomega.9b02513
Design and Evaluation of a Printed Analog-Based Differential Physical Unclonable Function
Zimmermann, L.; Scholz, A.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Sikora, A.
2019. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, 27 (11), 2498–2510. doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2019.2924081
Inkjet-Printed True Random Number Generator based on Additive Resistor Tuning
Erozan, A. T.; Bishnoi, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2019. Proceedings of the 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 25-29 March 2019, Florence, Italy, 1361–1366, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/DATE.2019.8715071
Predictive Modeling and Design Automation of Inorganic Printed Electronics
Rasheed, F.; Hefenbrock, M.; Bishnoi, R.; Beigl, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2019. Proceedings of the 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 25-29 March 2019, Florence, Italy, 30–35, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/DATE.2019.8715159
Influence of Humidity on the Performance of Composite Polymer Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistors and Circuits
Marques, G. C.; Von Seggern, F.; Dehm, S.; Breitung, B.; Hahn, H.; Dasgupta, S.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 66 (5), 2202–2207. doi:10.1109/TED.2019.2903456
Variability Modeling for Printed Inorganic Electrolyte-Gated Transistors and Circuits
Rasheed, F.; Hefenbrock, M.; Beigl, M.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2019. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 66 (1), 146–152. doi:10.1109/TED.2018.2867461
An Inkjet-Printed Low-Voltage Latch Based on Inorganic Electrolyte-Gated Transistors
Weller, D.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2018. IEEE electron device letters, 39 (6), 831–834. doi:10.1109/LED.2018.2826361
High performance printed oxide field-effect transistors processed using photonic curing
Garlapati, S. K.; Marques, G. C.; Gebauer, J. S.; Dehm, S.; Bruns, M.; Winterer, M.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Dasgupta, S.
2018. Nanotechnology, 29 (23), Art.Nr. 235205. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aab7a2
A hybrid system architecture for the readout of a printed physical unclonable function
Zimmermann, L.; Scholz, A.; Sikora, A.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. 2018 International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET), Chengdu, China, May 23-27, 2018, 11–14, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ELTECH.2018.8401395
Design of a Programmable Passive SoC for Biomedical Applications Using RFID ISO 15693/NFC5 Interface
Bhattacharyya, M.; Gruenwald, W.; Jansen, D.; Reindl, L.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 8 (1), 3. doi:10.3390/jlpea8010003
A Smooth EKV-Based DC Model for Accurate Simulation of Printed Transistors and Their Process Variations
Rasheed, F.; Golanbari, M. S.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 65 (2), 667–673. doi:10.1109/TED.2017.2786160
Gedruckte elektronische Schaltungen
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. Fraunhofer IFAM Functional Printing Workshop (2018), Bremen, Germany, February 22, 2018
Process Design Kits for Printed Electronics and Circuit Design
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. NextFlex/Innovation Lab Workshop (2018), San Jose, CA, USA, April 30–May 1, 2018
Printed circuits based on metal oxide devices
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2018), Bengaluru, India, December 16–19, 2018
Analog Properties of Printed Electrolyte-Gated FETs based on Metal Oxide Semiconductors
Feng, X.; Cadilha Marques, G.; Rasheed, F.; Tahoori, M. B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. 59th Workshop on Microelectronics (2018), Offenburg, Germany, February 1–2, 2018
Modeling and Characterization of Low Voltage, Inkjet Printed Devices and Circuits
Marques, G. C.; Rasheed, F.; Breitung, B.; Hahn, H.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für gedruckte Elektronik (LOPEC 2018), Munich, Germany, March 14–15, 2018
Printed oxide electronics
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2018), Bengaluru, India, December 16–19, 2018
Inkjet-Printed EGFET-Based Physical Unclonable Function-Design, Evaluation, and Fabrication
Erozan, A. T.; Marques, G. C.; Golanbari, M. S.; Bishnoi, R.; Dehm, S.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2018. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, 26 (12), 2935–2946. doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2018.2866188
An Ultra-Low-Power RFID/NFC Frontend IC Using 0.18 μm CMOS Technology for Passive Tag Applications
Bhattacharyya, M.; Gruenwald, W.; Jansen, D.; Reindl, L.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2018. Sensors, 18 (5), 1452. doi:10.3390/s18051452
Design and Evaluation of Physical Unclonable Function for Inorganic Printed Electronics
Erozan, A. T.; Golanbari, M. S.; Bishnoi, R.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M.
2018. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED 2018, Santa Clara, California, USA, 13th - 14th March 2018
From silicon to printed electronics: A coherent modeling and design flow approach based on printed electrolyte gated FETs
Marques, G. C.; Rasheed, F.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2018. Proceedings of the 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Jeju, KOR, January 22-25, 2018, 658–663, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ASPDAC.2018.8297397
Solution processed hybrid field effect transistors based on graphene electrodes
Singaraju, S. A.; Baby, T. T.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Hahn, H.; Breitung, B.
2018. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie gemeinsam mit der EPS (2018), Berlin, Germany, March 11–16, 2018
Digital power and performance analysis of inkjet printed ring oscillators based on electrolyte-gated oxide electronics
Cadilha Marques, G.; Garlapati, S. K.; Dehm, S.; Dasgupta, S.; Hahn, H.; Tahoori, M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2017. Applied physics letters, 111 (10), 102103. doi:10.1063/1.4991919
Electrolyte-Gated FETs Based on Oxide Semiconductors : Fabrication and Modeling
Marques, G. C.; Garlapati, S. K.; Chatterjee, D.; Dehm, S.; Dasgupta, S.; Aghassi, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2017. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 64 (1), 279–285. doi:10.1109/TED.2016.2621777
Compact modeling of inkjet printed, high mobility, electrolyte-gated transistors
Marques, G. C.; Garlapati, S. K.; Dehm, S.; Dasgupta, S.; Aghassi, J.; Tahoori, M. B.
2016. Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg - 55. Workshop der Multi Projekt Chip Gruppe, Karlsruhe, 5. Februar 2016
Innovation in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft
Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2015. Nanotechnologie aktuell, 8
From Silicon Technology to Plastic Electronics
Aghassi, J.
2014. MPC Workshop Weingarten-Ravensburg, IEEE German Section on Solid State Electronics, June 2014
A RFID/NFC based Programmable SOC for biomedical applications
Bhattacharyya, M.; Gruenwald, W.; Dusch, B.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Jansen, D.; Reindl, L.
2014. 2014 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Jeju, 3–6 November 2014, 78–79, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISOCC.2014.7087580
Temperature dependent compact modeling of gate tunneling leakage current in double gate MOSFETs
Darbandy, G.; Aghassi, J.; Sedlmeir, J.; Monga, U.; Garduño, I.; Cerdeira, A.; Iñiguez, B.
2013. Solid state electronics, 81, 124–129. doi:10.1016/j.sse.2012.11.009
Temperature dependence of compact analytical modeling of gate tunneling current in Double Gate MOSFETs
Darbandy, G.; Aghassi, J.; Sedlmeir, J.; Monga, U.; Garduno, I.; Cerdeira, A.; Iniguez, B.
2012. 13th International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (ULIS), Grenoble, France, 6–7 March 2012, 73–76, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ULIS.2012.6193360
Assessment of NBTI in Presence of Self-Heating in High-k SOI FinFETs
Monga, U.; Khandelwal, S.; Aghassi, J.; Sedlmeir, J.; Fjeldly, T. A.
2012. IEEE electron device letters, 33 (11), 1532–1534. doi:10.1109/LED.2012.2213572
Generalization of the Concept of Equivalent Thickness and Capacitance to Multigate MOSFETs Modeling
Chevillon, N.; Sallese, J.-M.; Lallement, C.; Prégaldiny F.; Madec, M.; Sedlmeir, J.; Aghassi, J.
2012. IEEE transactions on electron devices, 59 (1), 60–71. doi:10.1109/TED.2011.2171347
On the thermal failure in nanoscale devices: Insight towards heat transport including critical BEOL and design guidelines for robust thermal management & EOS/ESD reliability
Shrivastava, M.; Agrawal, M.; Aghassi, J.; Gossner, H.; Molzer, W.; Schulz, T.; Ramgopal Rao, V.
2011. IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), Monterey, CA, USA, 10–14 April 2011, 3F.3.1–3F.3.5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IRPS.2011.5784498
Impact of Self-Heating in SOI FinFETs on Analog Circuits and Interdie Variability
Monga, U.; Aghassi, J.; Siprak, D.; Sedlmeir, J.; Hanke, C.; Kubrak, V.; Heinrich, R.; Fjeldly, T. A.
2011. IEEE electron device letters, 32 (3), 249–251. doi:10.1109/LED.2010.2097235
Compact modeling framework for multigate SOI MOSFETs based on conformal mapping techniques
Monga, U.; Nilsen, D.-M.; Aghassi, J.; Sedlmeir, J.; Fjeldly, T. A.
2010. 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Shanghai, China, 1–4 November 2010. Ed. T. Tang, 1805–1807, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICSICT.2010.5667672
Cross-correlations in transport through parallel quantum dots
Haupt, S.; Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2008. arXiv.org, 1–10
Co-tunneling assisted sequential tunneling in multi-level quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2008. Applied physics letters, 92 (20), Art. Nr. 202101. doi:10.1063/1.2927379
Cross-correlations in transport through two parallel quantum dots
Haupt, S.; Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M.; Schön, G.
2008. 72.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen, Berlin, 25.-29.Februar 2008 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.43(2008) TT 20.5 6th Rencontres de Moriond in Mesoscopic Physics, La Thuile, I, March 8-15, 2008
Co-tunneling effects in transport through interacting quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2007. 384. WE-Heraeus-Seminar : Nonequilibrium Transport of Strongly Correlated Systems (2007), Bad Honnef, Germany, January 31–February 2, 2007
Noise in Nanostructures
Aghassi, J.
2007. Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Physik, Universität Erlangen, 7. Mai 2007
Co-tunneling effects in transport through interacting quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M.; Schön, G.
2007. 71.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen, Regensburg, 26.-30.März 2007 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.42(2007) TT 18.2
Tunneling transport in coupled quantum dot systems
Aghassi, J.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. 371. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Quantum Transport at the Molecular Scale, 29.05. – 01.06.2006
Co-tunneling effects in transport through quantum dot systems
Aghassi, J.
2006. Institut für Theoretische Physik A, RWTH Aachen, 19. November 2006
Shot noise in transport through two coherent strongly coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 13 (22)
Strongly enhanced shot noise in chains of quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 14 (7)
Shot noise in transport through two coherent strongly coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. Physical Review -Series B-, 73 (19), 195323–195332
Strongly enhanced shot noise in chains of quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (5), Art.Nr.: 52101, 1–4. doi:10.1063/1.2260827
Tunneling transport through molecules and coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. IEEE EDS Workshop on Advanced Electron Devices, Duisburg, June 13-14, 2006
Shot noise transport through two coherent strongly coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2006. Physical Review B, 73, 195323/1–10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.73.195323
Non-local effects in transport through coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M.; Schön, G.
2006. DPG Spring Meeting of the Divison Condensed Matter, 21st General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, March 26-31, 2006
Current and shot noise in chains of quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2005. Marie Curie Conference Spin-Dependent Transport through Nanostructures (Spintronics 2005), Poznan, Poland, September 25–30, 2005
Tunneling transport in coupled quantum dot systems
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2005. Marie Curie Conference Spin-Dependent Transport through Nanostructures (Spintronics 2005), Poznan, Poland, September 25–30, 2005
Tunneling transport through molecules and coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2005. ESONN 05, European School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Grenoble, August/September 2005
Shot noise in tunneling transport through molecules and quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2005. 3rd NTT-BRL School „Decoherence and Noise in Quantum Systems“, Atsugi City, Japan, 31 October - 4. November 2005
Shot noise in tunneling transport through molecules and coupled quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M.; Schön, G.
2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69. Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4. - 9. März 2005
A perturbative expansion of shot noise in quantum dots and molecules
Hettler, M.; Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; König, J.; Schön, G.
2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) TT 8.31
Sequential transport in molecules and quantum dots
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; Schön, G.
2004. WE-Heraeus Seminar - Summerschool: Molecules - Elements of Prospective Nanoelectronics, Wittenberg, Germany, 2.-13. August 2004
Combining current and shot noise: towards full characterization of molecular nanojunctions
Aghassi, J.; Thielmann, A.; Hettler, M. H.; König, J.; Schön, G.
2004. Workshop ’Towards Molecular Electronics’, Ulm, November 26-27, 2004 (Poster)
Magnetoresistance studies of the ferromagnetic molecular metal (BEDT-TTF)3[MnCr(C2O4)3] under pressure
Klehe, A.-K.; Lauhkin, V.; Goddard, P. A.; Symington, J. A.; Aghassi, J.; Singleton, J.; Coronado, E.; Galán-Mascarós, J. R.; Gómez-García, C. J.; Gimenez-Saiz, C.
2003. Synthetic metals, 133-134, 549–551. doi:10.1016/S0379-6779(02)00342-9