Supramolecular Materials (PI: Svetlana Klyatskaya)

Hierarchical surface-confined self-assembly

Molecular systems can be assembled by a surface-confined read-out process of the information from their components (organic molecules, metal ions, complexes, etc.) expressing hierarchy, functionality and complexity at the organizational level.



JACS 2006, 15644


PNAS 2010, 21332


Nature Chem 2010, 131

Self-organization close/far from equilibrium

The crossover to real self-organization occurs in organizational processes close to the equilibrium by emergence of features as self-recognition, self-correction and self-selection. Out-of equilibrium complex systems are under investigation. 


Close-to-equilibrium self-organization

PNAS 2007, 17927

From self-adapting materials to devices

Spin transition (ST) materials based on Functional Molecules adapt their properties (spin state, magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy, unit cell parameters, absorption coefficient, etc.) to external parameters as temperature, light or pressure. Magnetic molecules are assembled on conductive substrates and between electrodes exploit their adaptive behavior.




Adaptable Materials

Angew. Chem. IE 2004, 3644

Fe(II) Spin Transition

Phys Rev B 2011, 245415

TbPc2 – SMMs

JACS 2009, 15143

Surface-Confined C-C Couplings – 2D Graphdiynes

Aromatic molecules with ethynyl bonds at their periphery are C-C coupled by a surface-catalyzed reaction to 2D Graphdiynes, a new 2D-Nanocarbon material partially consisting of sp-carbon atoms (in collaboration with J.V Barth, München).

2D Graphdiynes

Nature Commun 2012, 1286