High-Resolution Capillary Printing of Eutectic Gallium Alloys for Printed Electronics
N. Hussain, T. Fu, G. Marques, C. Das, T. Scherer, U. Bog, L. Berner, I. Wacker, R. R. Schröder, J. Aghassi-Hagmann, M. Hirtz
Adv. Mater. Technol. 6 (2021) 2100650
- Date: 2021
A versatile liquid metal (LM) printing process enabling the fabrication of various fully printed devices such as intra- and interconnect wires, resistors, diodes, transistors, and basic circuit elements such as inverters which are process compatible with other digital printing and thin film structuring methods for integration is presented. For this, a glass capillary-based direct-write method for printing LMs such as eutectic gallium alloys, exploring the potential for fully printed LM-enabled devices is demonstrated. Examples for successful device fabrication include resistors, p–n diodes, and field effect transistors. The device functionality and easiness of one integrated fabrication flow shows that the potential of LM printing is far exceeding the use of interconnecting conventional electronic devices in printed electronics.